
Hi, I’m Serene and I’m a newly graduate from MPI. As of today, I am an MPI Certified Model. I love a good challenge! With challenges comes experience and growth. This is why I chose to work in Second Life. I want to see how far I can go.

Since I determined to challenge myself in the Fashion Industry in SL, I have been quite busy! I have been able to join JCNY Model’Fest 2 weeks in a row, I work at NC Jewelry Designs as in-store manikin, and I’m entering contests left and right:)

I’m meeting so many new wonderful people, and I am having a blast while learning so many things! I would like to become an established model here in SL, both in runway and photographic modeling.

Though the competition is fierce, I strongly believe that if you set your goals high and determine to achieve them, there is nothing impossible.  No one can put a limitation on you, except for yourself, so start reaching for those stars!!!

I am a perfectionist, and I am a hard worker. I am continuously increasing my hair, skin, and body portfolio so that I can be ready when an opportunity crosses my path.

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